L’école L'école wines are a pure expression of each soil, each climate and everything that surrounds the vineyard, including its people and culture, its way of working with nature and its age, revealing in each bottle the rugged and magnificent landscape of the surrounding natural parks.

L’école L'école has adopted a completely indigenous and natural study of viticulture, together with a winemaking style that is sufficiently technical, studied, non-intrusive, to bring out the maximum expression of each site. The carefully selected and worked plots are individually expressed through a unique wine, the fruit of a wine-growing dynamism of places, with timeless elegance, fine and crisp, marking our way of understanding oenology and viticulture as a heritage of man, an aspect that gives an unmistakable character of authenticity.L’école wines are meant to be enjoyed. Elegant and honest from the first idea to their presentation, these wines reflect the rhythm of life in each site, as well as adding to our training, the style of winemaking that was popular at the time, all in an assemblage of generations that add up, of synergistic influences.

We focus on individual plots, in places of extreme innate beauty and on the edge of their environment, vineyards on steep slopes battered by wind and drought, shaped by erosion, exposed to the impossible and the passage of time and where the work of the winegrower is seen as vital for their preservation and their future. The result is a heritage composed of a legacy of tradition, heroism, conservation and nature, all in a bottle, made with the most intensive blend of knowledge and respect. Our most recent projects, Valle del Genal and Sierra de la Albera, focus on areas whose delicate landscapes are at the rhythm of the freest nature and the most delicate tradition. Surviving on the top or slope of a mountain in a natural park, a few kilometres from the temperate influence of the Mediterranean Sea and in continuous contact with the life of its people, vines more than 50 years old produce an extremely concentrated fruit, rich in flavour and varietal aromas. Early harvests, low-temperature fermentations, conservative, gentle extractions in traditional low-yield presses, aged in their finest mothers ‘wine lees ’ and with a total absence of oak during their production, result in wines of great finesse and a marked Mediterranean-varietal style.

Ficha Valle del Genal 2019
Ficha Alt Emporda 2020
Ficha Sierra de la Virgen 2020
Ficha Cava 2020