L’école began to take shape in the course of 2018, planning and making tangible all the ideas that have been accumulated and assimilated over 10 years in the profession, travelling and learning in more than eight appellations and a multitude of places.

All of this is complemented, in unison, with academic training in oenology and viticulture. Ten years earlier, in 2008, we met the respected oenologist and professor, Joan Milá, as apprentices and second-in-command of one of his many projects. He made us assimilate the idea that there were as many different wines as there were places and varieties, and that entering into the game of working with a vocation in this world meant dedication, tenacity and movement, that oenology would be all the more beautiful the more dynamic it was.

Enthused by his experiences and knowledge, we set out on a long and exciting journey that would take us through such marvellous wine-growing places as Penedés and Terra Alta, other more unknown and more developable places such as Granada, Calatayud, Costers del Segre or Ribera del Guadiana and some more extensive ones such as La Mancha or Jerez, reaching a turning point at the beginning of 2013, with the wonderful revelation of the idiosyncratic regions of Priorat-Montsant in Tarragona.

We still remember the moment of entering that oenological paradise, where the days went by, with only vineyards on steep slopes filling the view and winemakers pursuing the dream of those so valued as Palacios, René or the Pérez family, with whom we were lucky enough to cohabit in that place created to detail and for the enjoyment of this beautiful work.

An incomparable, unforgettable place where, hand in hand with one of the best winegrowers in the area and great authors, our current master, Lluís Miró, we understood that the best tool to obtain the best grapes was to practice common sense in the reading of the places. To visit a vineyard with Lluís was to learn to assimilate the past, present and future potential of its fruit, something as magical as travelling through time.

Our time in Priorat-Montsant, which lasted until the end of 2016, set us definitively on the path to becoming wine writers and our own winegrowers in the field, moulding us to create for ourselves; just as the members of the famous "L'école de Paris" did in Paris (allow us the licence) between the wars, to grow by creating; we present ourselves with the vintage L’école 2019, with wines that are the result of our own humble school.